Master VR


Owner acquisition and management

Taking this Enterprise Training you will...

Learn how to generate a steady flow of owner leads

To grow, it is necessary to maintain a permanent but sustainable flow of product entering the portfolio. learn how to regulate the flow and ensure that you receive opportunities on a constant basis. maintenance will drop. In the process, you help the sustainability of your business and the planet.

Know the different costs of each type of campaign

Calculate with supervision the cost of campaigns for product acquisition, monitor ROI and ensure the profitability of your investments.

Sharpen your sales pitch, close more opportunities

In order to win it is necessary to convince, that is why the sales strategy and attraction of owners must be based on real figures and solid arguments.

Get more properties thanks to your satisfied homeowners

OTAs such as Booking, Agoda, HotelBeds, Ecohotels, and others are prioritizing visibility in exchange for social and environmental commitment.

Learn how to manage objections from your future owners and manage expectations.

Ensure a healthy and fruitful relationship with the owners through a constant and well-planned position. Learn how to relate to owners and manage expectations.

Build homeowner loyalty, reduce attrition

Base your strategy on transparency and a communication plan that leaves no doubt about the effort and work you are doing to increase your sales.

Who can benefit from the Enterprise Training?

  1. Managers who want to grow their portfolio
  2. Managers who want to improve their property acquisition process
  3. Managers who want to reduce marketing and acquisition costs.

Program in Owner Acquisition and Management

  • Presentation, course structure and dynamics.
  • Owner profiles
  • Attraction, Conversion, Loyalty, Recommendation.
  • Types of destinations and recruitment periods
  • My strengths and weaknesses
  • How much does it cost me to sign a contract?
  • Types of agreements with owners
  • Selection of properties and areas
  • Profitability estimation
  • Seasonal analysis
  • Introduction to the owner marketing module
  • Advertising messages
  • Online Web Marketing and SEO
  • Online Marketing RRSS: organic and paid
  • Online Marketing Google Ads
  • Online Marketing Display
  • Online Marketing Mailing lists and email marketing
  • Online Marketing Long-term Websites
  • Offline Marketing Mailing
  • Offline Marketing Flyers and promotions
  • Offline Marketing Local communications
  • Offline Marketing Sponsors
  • Real Estate Referrals
  • Lawyers and notaries referrals
  • Referrals Promotions and investment advisors
  • Referrals Related companies or individuals (cleaning, gardening, doormen…)
  • Introduction to homeowner acquisition
  • Phases of the sales process: Contact and qualification, visit or meeting, signature
  • CRM Why use a CRM? What are the options?
  • CRM Sales funnel and metrics
  • CRM Registration, automation, collaboration
  • CRM Follow-up
  • Contact and qualification Structure and objectives
  • Contact and qualification First cold calling
  • Contact and qualification First warm call
  • Contact & qualification Qualification and minimum property requirements
  • Contact and qualification Profitability studies
  • Contact and qualification Unlicensed properties
  • Contact and qualification Materials
  • Tour or meeting Structure and objectives
  • Visit or meeting Tour or meeting
  • Visit or meeting Value proposition, work process, profitability, success stories.
  • Visit or meeting Contract and objections
  • Visit or meeting Next steps
  • Visit or meeting Materials
  • Signing Objection management and negotiation
  • Onboarding Signature
  • Transparency
  • Owner satisfaction and feedback
  • Settlements
  • Investments
  • Annual reports
  • Disposals
  • Referrals
  • Old deregistrations

Industry Experts

Why property managers choose this Enterprise Training?

Joaquín Roca

Master VR LLC has helped me introduce our company to the Vacation Rental Business. His advices and help, have been very useful to us.

Natalia Lairón

Master VR has been a great help for our project. It has been very favourable technical and strategic advice to our interests and expectations.  

Nuria Marina Macia

A first-level professional help and advice, thanks to Master VR we managed to overcome the first stages of our project. We loved working with Master VR.

Dates for Enterprise Training

Owner Acquisition and Management

October 09, 2023        8:00 am to 6:00 pm         C/ Historiador Diego 3, Valencia, España

Do you need more info about the Enterprise Training?